Archive for April 11th, 2017

The Resurrection: The Turning Point in History.

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017

We are now in Holy Week, remembering the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. That one event turned the entire world on its head. Everything changed after Christ rose from the dead.

Think about it. Without the Resurrection there would be no New Testament. There would be no church. There would be no Christians of any kind in the world. We Christians don’t believe the Resurrection happened because the New Testament says it happened. The New Testament was written because there was a real event – Jesus Christ rose from the dead, proving to an entire generation that He has power over death! The disciples would not have dared to come out of hiding had there been no Resurrection! They would not have written the New Testament had there been no Resurrection. Caesar would not have issued a proclamation for people to stop robbing Jewish tombs had there been no Resurrection. There would be no godly Gentiles throughout history, to include you and me. No Reformation. No force for true “good” in the world.

Subsequently, there would be no Church, no Christians, nor any of the many beneficent things we have from Christianity: hospitals, missions, a moral compass for society. Without the Resurrection, Jesus would have been forgotten in history. America would not have arisen as a world power based on our Christian morals.

Let that sink in. The Resurrection was THE turning point in history.

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen! He is risen indeed!
