Flasher has fallen
Saturday, May 29th, 2010
Flash loves to go wherever we wander!
As we all know, everything Flash does, he does with terrier gusto, going all out! His energy level is very high for a guy of his age. Yesterday, he and Sammie were chasing each other around the yard and he “yelped” and stopped all activity. His leg was hurting. The poor guy could hardly walk! We pampered him all day yesterday (Friday) and this morning we took him to the vet. Flash has torn ligaments in both doggie knees and will need surgery to correct the injury so he can walk without pain.
What a blow! Our Flasher boy has to be confined to kennel. He is so used to running full steam into every situation and now we must keep him still. Flash is on pain meds. We take Flash to the vet clinic Tuesday morning for xrays and then see the Dr. Beane in the afternoon to hear what he has to say.
We love Flash so much! He is a very good boy. We’re going to do everything we can to get him back to normal.

Flash is so good with the kids.