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The Lord is in Control

Although it seems that our world is coming apart at the seams, we can rest assured that the Lord is in control of all things. Romans 13: 1 tells us that the authorities that exist have been established by God, and then Paul continues to give further explanation. We also know that God is delaying the end of the world until the full number of souls have believed in Christ. (2 Peter 3: 9).  God exists outside of time, so he knows everything that has happened and will happen, as if he is looking into the bubble of time from the outside. Nothing can happen in that bubble of time without his direct knowledge, and nothing can happen outside of his control and will.

People who don’t know God see this as a cruel, hateful God, but truly, he is a loving, caring God who wants to give everyone a chance to repent and turn to him. The violence and tragedies that we experience were brought on by ourselves – rebelling from God and rejecting his guidance and love.

So as the world winds seemingly out of control, I can rest calmly knowing that it is not out of God’s control, and at the right time he will save his own. In the meantime, God is with us every moment of our lives. There is no greater peace than to rest in that knowledge.



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