Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

The First Cause

Sunday, November 27th, 2016

There is a principle in logic that says everything must have a cause. When considering the origin of the universe, the first cause seems to be elusive to many. There are numerous variations of the big bang theory, but all of those are actually theories of distribution, not of a first cause. “Something” theoretically exploded into what we now know as our universe. But there is no theory that attempts to explain where that “something” came from.

When we consider a supernatural creation, the First Cause is clear: “In the beginning, God…”  God is the first cause for everything. We would do well to listen closely to what he tells us in His Word, the Bible.



It Doesn’t Matter

Friday, July 29th, 2016

Well, we just finished both political conventions – and the differences couldn’t be more clear.  I’ll let each of you reading this decide for yourself what that means.  My point in this post is that no matter who wins, it doesn’t matter.  Romans 13:1 says clearly: “Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.”  

While I would argue that God is not necessarily in charge of what goes on, he most certainly is in control of what goes on. When Satan offered Jesus the nations of the world if He would worship him (Satan), it was not from a false position of ownership. In Ephesians 2:2, Satan is referred to as the ruler of the kingdom of the air (and by context, the ways of the world). So at the present time, it would seem that Satan, not God, is in charge of the affairs of man.

But do not despair, he can only do what God allows him to do, and that only for a predetermined amount of time.

So in the big picture, it does not matter who sits on the throne of America, God allowed him/her to be there – and that person will fulfill God’s will for our nation (whether it be to our benefit or our detriment [judgement]). As a Christian, our role in our nation’s affairs should be on our faces in sackcloth and ashes begging God’s forgiveness. Nothing in politics will ever improve until this nation turns back to God.


Congratulations, J&O!

Monday, July 25th, 2016

It’s hard to believe it has already been 1 year!  Exactly one year ago today, with the entire Knight clan in Pennsylvania, Jerry and Olivia were wed on a perfect day. We wish them all the best in life. May their love for each other grow stronger through the years, and may God bless them richly.

Congratulations, Jerry and Olivia!  We love you.


Mom and Dad

If I had done that….

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

… I would be locked up a long time in prison.  The FBI “recommendation” that HC not be prosecuted is a complete mockery of national security and federal regulations. If a regular government employee had information that obviously should have been classified on a personal email server, that person would have been prosecuted. The excuse that it was not classified at the time is NO EXCUSE. When we are awarded a security clearance, we are trained in what constitutes classified information at the level of our clearance. She KNEW it should have been classified, and if she didn’t, she was incompetent to hold a clearance in the first place.

And who is the FBI making the “recommendation” to? I assume the Attorney General, who is an Obama appointee. Of course he’s not going to prosecute! He likes the power and prestige of his position.

I don’t always agree with Donald Trump in his methodology, but he is totally right in his assessment of this fiasco.

I just had to vent. This nation is doomed if she is elected.




Edit…  and now there is talk of Obama giving her a pardon, even without charges being brought! (to prevent her from suffering any punishment) Is there no end to this madness!?!?!

Cheap Christianity

Monday, June 27th, 2016

J.C. Ryle (1816 – 1900) said “There is a common, worldly kind of “Christianity” in this day, which many have – a cheap Christianity which offends nobody, and requires no sacrifice – which costs nothing and is worth nothing.” 

It is shameful to say, but those words, written in the 1800’s, describe the vast majority of American churches today, in the 2000’s.  If the “church” looks like, acts like, and sounds like the unsaved world, there is no impetus for the unsaved to even consider Jesus or their sin. God has chosen his church to be the light and salt in this dark and rotting world.

What does it say about our Christianity if we don’t stand for the Word of God? God’s word is offensive to sin. The Law exposes sin; the Gospel rejects sin. We tend to cling onto our favorite sins. Therein lies the sacrifice – we are to sacrifice our sinful desires, sinful thoughts, sinful habits – because they are offensive to God. True Christianity is not cheap.  It costs us our sinful ways. It cost Jesus his life.

He died for our sins – it was the most He could do. I will live for Him – it’s the least I can do.


Memorial Day: Remembering Codweed and Rascal

Monday, May 30th, 2016

I was cleaning out some old files when I came across a picture from 1985. It shows Jennifer riding Codweed, with me on Rascal, and Jerry in front. Codweed was the inspiration for two of my poems. He was quite a character. And Rascal was the best horse that ever lived, in my humble opinion.

(Click on the picture for a larger image.)


The Lord is in Control

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Although it seems that our world is coming apart at the seams, we can rest assured that the Lord is in control of all things. Romans 13: 1 tells us that the authorities that exist have been established by God, and then Paul continues to give further explanation. We also know that God is delaying the end of the world until the full number of souls have believed in Christ. (2 Peter 3: 9).  God exists outside of time, so he knows everything that has happened and will happen, as if he is looking into the bubble of time from the outside. Nothing can happen in that bubble of time without his direct knowledge, and nothing can happen outside of his control and will.

People who don’t know God see this as a cruel, hateful God, but truly, he is a loving, caring God who wants to give everyone a chance to repent and turn to him. The violence and tragedies that we experience were brought on by ourselves – rebelling from God and rejecting his guidance and love.

So as the world winds seemingly out of control, I can rest calmly knowing that it is not out of God’s control, and at the right time he will save his own. In the meantime, God is with us every moment of our lives. There is no greater peace than to rest in that knowledge.



Going to Hershey! Logistics

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Thought I would journal our trip to Olivia and Jerry’s wedding in Elizabethtown, PA.  We are blessed that Jen, David and the boys can make the trip. Also I am so happy that my brother and sister-in-law are coming also! It is a long distance to travel but God has made it possible. This is a very special time for our family.

The reservations were made early (rehearsal dinner, flights, hotel & cars, kennels, Holly care, etc.) and I have had much time to worry over how it will all come together. Frank has taken care of the big events and I am so happy he found a nice place for the rehearsal dinner that is more reasonably priced and has delicious food! Roxy’s Chatterbox Cafe, doesn’t that sound cozy? There is so much to think about: what dress to wear for the wedding, what other clothes and shoes to pack, PACK??

We are 8 days from flying to Harrisburg and I’m not in panic mode. Everytime I feel overly worried, I say a prayer to God for Him to give me peace and keep me organized and acknowledge that He is in control. After all, I have prayed so hard for Jerry and Olivia and I love them both so much!


It’s Time To Take A Stand

Friday, June 26th, 2015

I have had it with the liberals having “all the voice” in the news and media. It is high time for all true Christians to stand up and let their voice be heard as well. Today’s historic ruling will forever change the culture in America. This day is our tipping point. Mark my word, that on this day, both the decline of America as a global power, and the persecution of Christians in the Last Days began in earnest. Unfortunately, people and churches who claim to be Christian have hastened this day by compromising the authority of the Scriptures, twisting God’s words to fit their own agendas, and outright ignoring the truth taught in the Bible. My heart is sitting in sackcloth and ashes right now. I have kept silent on my Facebook page too long. I started posting because I want my son and daughter to seriously think about what they believe and why they believe it. Because they are going to have to instill my grandchildren with a strong enough faith to persevere the days and years ahead. God’s word is true. God does not mince words. Understand where marriage came from, and why it is between a man and a woman. Understand why homosexuality is an abomination to God. Understand the depth of faith we must have to take a stand for Christ. “If you deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father in heaven.” Jesus was not joking around when He said that. It’s time to take a stand for what we believe.

End of an Aura

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

This is the first time since 1993 there has not been a Saturn car in our garage (except a short stint while the silver one was at Baylor before we got the gold one). We have had a white ’93 Saturn, the ’96 silver SL1, a 2000 gold one, then the rudderless green Ion, then the brown 2007 Aura, and finally the 2009 green Aura. Two of them heroically gave their lives to keep us alive, and had GM not divested the Saturn division in late 2009, we would probably still be driving a Saturn. But alas, all good things must come to an end, and so our Saturn era ended with the Aura.

We have been planning to replace the Aura with a hybrid of some sort this fall, until I found a deal that I just couldn’t pass up. The top rated hybrid, according to Edmunds, was the midsize hybrid by Honda. BUT you were going to pay top dollar for the honor of owning the Honda. Ford’s Fusion Hybrid was rated almost as high as the Honda, but came with a much cheaper price tag. So using that comparison as a basis, the Ford hybrid was relatively cheap. When I found a new 2015 Fusion hybrid for over $6,000 LESS than the MSRP, I could not pass up the deal. We went to Hutto, Texas (Covert Ford) and test drove the car. I was leery about the power, the shifting between electric and gas power on the fly, and the overall comfort of the car. The Fusion is the exact same size as the Aura, so there isn’t even an adjustment for us to make in driving it. We traded immediately after the test drive.

Update, 3 June 2015.  Fantastic car! We love it so far. Around 44 mpg highway, and 50+ mpg city. Plenty of power when you need it, quiet going down the road, and it sports a backup camera and bluetooth phone connection as a standard feature! We love the hands free phone.