Archive for the ‘Horses’ Category


Saturday, June 25th, 2011

Bonnie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 11th. She was 20 years old.

We adopted her from Dan & Linda Daude in March 1993. She was a registered Mustang and was a “pasture pal” for Rascal, our Quarter Horse gelding. She was a sweetie and it was good to have her around. In her young days, she could stare a hole right through you! She was better than a watch dog. She loved to have her butt scratched! About a couple years ago, her feet were looking bad–Frank was disabled and not able to trim them. But thanks to our neighbor, Heather, we got a good farrier, Sherry, to work on her feet and bring them back to normal. But some days, Bonnie could hardly walk. Heather suggested that Bonnie had “Cushings Disease” and so Frank started her on some herbal supplements. It was good to see improvements in her symptoms and about 3 months ago, Frank tried riding her. Bonnie did very well and soon Frank was riding her all over the pasture with just a lead rope and a halter.

We believe that the Cushings Disease is what brought her down. It was sudden and we thought she was colicking. Frank walked her for over 4 hours and then called a vet. Dr. Magid said she was in critical condition and it would be best to put her down. So Frank decided that was best too. She is buried next to Rascal in the pasture that she loved.