What’s Really at Stake

The Bible clearly reveals that the end times will be characterized by a one-world government and a one-world finance system. We aren’t there yet, but we are rapidly screaming down the tracks to that inevitability. Take a look around the world – listen to the news and bounce that news off of Daniel and Revelation.

BREXIT, or the British exit from the European Union was fueled by a groundswell of British nationalism from those who were sick and tired of the globalization of Great Britain. Prime Minister Merkel of Germany has recently backtracked on her liberal ideas of globalizing Germany because she sees the harm being done by their attempt at de-nationalizing their society.  President Trump was elected for the very same reason. Enough Americans were sick and tired of the devaluation of American citizenship, the globalization of industry and commerce, and the loss of national sovereignty, that they rose up across the nation to throw off those who would globalize the world.

The whole idea of “open borders” is necessary for all nations to find a common ground, a common faceless society free from national pride, in order to form a one-world government. The beast is waiting in the wings, and quite possibly is alive today, just waiting to be revealed.

This generation of 40-somethings and above, who have pushed back against this tide of globalization will soon be too old to make a difference. The younger generation that clearly seeks a socialist, borderless society will throw the doors to America wide open and the beast will waltz in on the resulting geo-political-financial disaster that will bring the world to its knees.  I can see it as plainly as reading the morning newspaper.

I may not see the second coming of Christ in my lifetime, but it will most certainly be shortly thereafter.

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