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The Ultimate Girls’ Night Out…

If you could take that idea, multiply it by a factor of 10, imagine it in paradise, you’re getting close to The Ultimate Girls’ Night Out for Debbie and Jennifer.  They left this morning on an All-Expenses Paid (already) 10 days and nights in Hawaii. This well-deserved summer vacation didn’t come without a price, however. They had to get up around 4 am to make it to the airport in time for departure!  Add to that the self-imposed challenge of trying to go without a checked bag, and the preparations were a bit trying.  The last night before they left, when the bags were packed, and they realized just how hard it is not to pack a checked bag for a major trip, they agreed to take one (1) checked bag between them. That alleviated all the stress, and they were able to add those few things they were about to reluctantly leave behind.

So all is well, they made it to the airport, and reported in from L.A. as they took their seats on the 757 that is taking them to Hawaii. Aloha nui loa, Debbie and Jen! Have the time of your life!



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