July 12th, 2011 by Frank
Debbie and Jennifer are on their way back home – (aka “Right Under the X in TEXAS”). They may wish they had extended their peregrination in and around Hawaii. (okay, if you have to look it up, it means “journey, jaunt, expedition” – actually, a derivative of this word is quite common: Peregrine Falcon). It had already been 5 days of triple-digit heat in a row before they left for the milder tropical clime. The aforementioned heat has not relented whilst they’ve been away. And last night, our friendly central Texas weatherman, Andy Anderson, predicted another 10-12 straight days before we might dip back to a chilly 99°. That would make, by my calculations, 26 straight 100°+ days without a drop of rain, or even decent clouds, for that matter. By the way, we also set a record with 15 days over 100° during the month of June. I wonder what it was like leading up to and during the Dust Bowl days?
But, hey! I still love the heat more than the lack thereof. Winters are intolerable. One thing’s for sure: Having Debbie home will make me forget all about the weather!
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July 9th, 2011 by Frank
So what have I been doing while Debbie and Jennifer are island-hopping? I’ve been getting worn out catching up on my “to do list”. Let’s see… besides the routine mowing and picking veggies from the garden, I have spent hours watering the grass, plants, garden, St. Augustine plugs (every day!) 12 straight days of triple-digit heat. I washed the car, changed the oil on the truck, cut the vines out of the fence at the horse’s stalls, hauled off the old barn ‘fridge and pressure tank from the old well, bought and hung a new stall gate, changed the saddle valve on the water line for our ‘fridge, and engineered a new drain culvert for the driveway! Not to mention nightly time with Holly, Sammie, and Flash.
Meanwhile, Deb and Jen have been having a blast in Hawaii, seeing the sights, visiting with ‘ohana, going snorkeling, of course – shopping! They went on the Mai Tai Catamaran, visited the Dole Plantation, attended a large Hawaiian luau, and even went to a Japanese Bon Dance with cousin Marilyn and her granddaughter Kaiya. This evening, they are taking an inter-island flight over to Hilo to visit with more family and see the sights on the Big Island.
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July 6th, 2011 by Frank
Yesterday, after a bit of a traffic delay, Deb and Jen arrived at the Paradise Cove Luau, and met up with Kaiya, Marilyn, Stanley, and Auntie Sue. I can’t wait to see the pictures and hear their stories. Earlier in the day, Deb and Jen went on the Mai Tai Catamaran for a sail (true sail – no engine) around Diamondhead from Waikiki. This was one of my all-time favorite excursions. But back ‘in the day’, they let us lay on the netting at the front of the catamaran. It would go completely under water once we had passed the protected waters of Waikiki. They no longer let you lay on the netting, but still it is a wonderful time with beautiful scenery and the rush of water splashing up from the waves.
Tags: Hawaii
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July 5th, 2011 by Frank
For their first full day in paradise, Debbie and Jennifer met cousin Marilyn, Auntie Sue, and Marilyn’s granddaughter, Kaiya. They visited family grave sights, paying their respects, had lunch together, and then visited the Dole Plantation, enjoying a delicious and refreshing Dole Whip (like a pineapple smoothie!)
Today, they will be going on one of my all-time favorite excursions, the Mai Tai Catamaran that sails from Waikiki Beach around Diamondhead and back. I know they’re having the time of their lives!
Tags: Hawaii
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July 3rd, 2011 by Frank
If you could take that idea, multiply it by a factor of 10, imagine it in paradise, you’re getting close to The Ultimate Girls’ Night Out for Debbie and Jennifer. They left this morning on an All-Expenses Paid (already) 10 days and nights in Hawaii. This well-deserved summer vacation didn’t come without a price, however. They had to get up around 4 am to make it to the airport in time for departure! Add to that the self-imposed challenge of trying to go without a checked bag, and the preparations were a bit trying. The last night before they left, when the bags were packed, and they realized just how hard it is not to pack a checked bag for a major trip, they agreed to take one (1) checked bag between them. That alleviated all the stress, and they were able to add those few things they were about to reluctantly leave behind.
So all is well, they made it to the airport, and reported in from L.A. as they took their seats on the 757 that is taking them to Hawaii. Aloha nui loa, Debbie and Jen! Have the time of your life!
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June 25th, 2011 by deb
Bonnie crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 11th. She was 20 years old.

We adopted her from Dan & Linda Daude in March 1993. She was a registered Mustang and was a “pasture pal” for Rascal, our Quarter Horse gelding. She was a sweetie and it was good to have her around. In her young days, she could stare a hole right through you! She was better than a watch dog. She loved to have her butt scratched! About a couple years ago, her feet were looking bad–Frank was disabled and not able to trim them. But thanks to our neighbor, Heather, we got a good farrier, Sherry, to work on her feet and bring them back to normal. But some days, Bonnie could hardly walk. Heather suggested that Bonnie had “Cushings Disease” and so Frank started her on some herbal supplements. It was good to see improvements in her symptoms and about 3 months ago, Frank tried riding her. Bonnie did very well and soon Frank was riding her all over the pasture with just a lead rope and a halter.
We believe that the Cushings Disease is what brought her down. It was sudden and we thought she was colicking. Frank walked her for over 4 hours and then called a vet. Dr. Magid said she was in critical condition and it would be best to put her down. So Frank decided that was best too. She is buried next to Rascal in the pasture that she loved.

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November 30th, 2010 by Frank
The Flash is bouncing around the yard like a young pup again! He is running almost as fast as before his injuries (blown ACLs in both back knees), and he is jumping on the bed, chasing toys and Sammie. It was nice while it lasted Sammie, but you are no longer the alpha dog in this family! We are going to begin training again, this time for the Cirque Dog Soleil!
Tags: dogs, SFT, surgery, Terriers
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August 30th, 2010 by Frank
It seems the second ACL operation has been just as successful as the first. Although the Flasher is not yet jumping up on furniture, he has occasionally put his front feet up on my knees. He is also starting to play again with Sammie, chasing after toys – and running down the hill to bark at that which exists only in a doggie mind. He still loves to be right at our feet, and readily follows whomever is moving. He simply does not want to miss a thing. Gotta love that Flash Boy!
Tags: dogs, Flash, surgery, Terriers
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August 11th, 2010 by Frank
Flash went in yesterday for his fourth and final laser treatment. Debbie took him to the veterinary office yesterday, and Flash had 4 female technicians around him, just admiring him and doling over him. With this ACL repair operation, we were advised by the vet that it is “normal” for a dog to walk on 3 legs for about a week, then spend another week touching the ground with the affected leg, then finally – after about 2 weeks putting weight on it. It is expected the dog will be walking normally in about 6 weeks. That is what we were told to expect.
Well, Flash has his own ideas about ACL recovery. With his first operation, he was putting weight on the affected leg within 48 hours, and was walking normally within a week. With this second operation, he’s taking it a bit slower. He is gradually using the leg more each day, but still carries it high when he’s moving a bit quicker. I guess that’s what I have noticed so far. If he is just walking slowly, he will use the affected leg. If he wants to move more quickly, he will raise it up, and run 3-legged style. Unless Sammie is barking at something… then its: “Forget the pain – I’m going all out to get there!” and he runs like he never had the operation. He’s only done that once, as he got out of the house before we got the leash on him. We are more careful now.
Tags: dogs, Flash, surgery, Terriers
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August 10th, 2010 by Frank
I was talking to a friend about our church situation (see my post of 30 July), complaining to him that our pastor’s only goal is to bring people in to the church, but that he then refuses to instruct them in Christian education and spiritual disciplines. My friend said, “Oh come on Frank, that’s just the Southern Baptist way!” He was emphatic and insistent on this point, acting as if I should have known this all along.
When I listen to the likes of Adrian Rogers, Voddie Baucham, Dr. Criswell and others – I don’t think these men would agree with my friend. What I believe is that the Southern Baptist process of giving a man a pulpit just because he says he’s been called to preach – floods our churches with spiritually immature loudmouths who are incapable of feeding their congregations the meat of the Word.
It may be time for me to find another demonization – I mean denomination, that holds to the unerring truth of Scripture from the very first verse; that teaches discipleship and spiritual discipline; that holds to a formal confession of faith; and that follows the New Testament instruction of believers.
I think it would surprise most of the Southern Baptist preachers I’ve known, to find out that almost the entirety of the New Testament is written to instruct BELIEVERS in godly living. These preachers speak as if their only audience is UNBELIEVERS! What is wrong with this picture? Sorry for the rant. I’ll update y’all on Flash tomorrow.
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