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Clear as a bell…

Tuesday, April 24th, 2012

Frank called Jim “Jimbo” Davis, who came out with another man and cleared out the 3 acres of land north of the barn. We have lived here for 24 years and the brush and cedar was thick then and has gotten too dense. It was too much work for Frank and me to clear it by ourselves. Here are a couple before photos:

Here you can see how thick the grapevines were next to the barn. Hard to tell what was living in this mess!

Looking to the north, toward the neighbors, it’s solid cedars and cactus and mesquite.

Frank kept some trees and cedars behind the barn as a windbreak. Now, here are some “after” photos:

Here, you can see that the vines and brush is all gone on the west side of the barn. (hi Holly! hi Cochise!)

This photo was taken from up by the county road, looking west. The trees on the left are behind the barn (windbreak) and the big brush pile is on the right.

In this photo, you can see the neighbor’s barn. The cedar and brush is in a big pile.

Standing behind the giant brush pile (to be burned later this year), facing northwest, you can see the neighbor’s house. Frank saved some of the smaller elm trees.

I’m so glad this was finally done! (dk)

Farmville 2012 (continued)

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012

Things are growing in the little garden!

We’ve had some nice Spring showers! I have also planted flowers in the pots.


Farmville 2012

Thursday, March 29th, 2012

It’s that time of the year to start planting! We went to Lowe’s and got more topsoil and peat moss and add to that a healthy dose of composted horse manure (I wonder where that came from) and got to working the soil. With daytime temps in the 80’s, I’m sure there is no danger of frost. We’ll be planting the seeds this weekend: peas, beans, cucumbers, radishes, and we planted some tomato plants we got earlier.

Farmville 2012

Farmville 2012